Driving Under the Influence Charge Gets Reduced by South Florida DUI Lawyers
Outcome of Florida DUI Case:
Adam was able to get the DUI charge reduced to a reckless driving charge.
Client Concerns about Florida DUI Charge:
Michael was very concerned that he would lose his job, and that the cost of a lawyer would set him back many years and make him unable to support his family.
Facts on Florida DUI Case:
While out driving one night through the city of Plantation, Michael J. and another driver were trying to merge into the same lane at the same time and ended up sideswiping each other. They pulled over and the cops were called. Without administering a Breathalyzer test, the police arrested Michael for a DUI.
Strategy of Attack on Florida DUI Case:
Michael told Adam he had only had a couple of beers before the incident and would have been well under the legal limit when he was arrested, so Adam grilled the police officers until they admitted that they didn’t actually know who was at fault in the car accident.
Facing Driving Under the Influence Charges in South Florida? We Offer Free Consultations.
Call our office to schedule an appointment for a free consultation:
- Fort Lauderdale DUI Lawyers: (754) 206-6200
- Sunrise: (754) 999-2499
- Boca Raton: (561) 880-8181