DUI Defense Lawyers Get Case Dismissed in Wilton Manors, Florida
Outcome of South Florida Driving Under the Influence Case:
When we showed them all of the evidence that Roger was not intoxicated, the prosecution dropped the case.
Client Concerns about South Florida Driving Under the Influence Charge:
Roger was afraid of being convicted for a crime he didn't commit, losing his driver's license, and having a criminal record when he did nothing wrong.
Facts on South Florida Driving Under the Influence Case:
Roger Z. was driving one night in Wilton Manors, Florida when he got into a minor car crash. The officer who showed up claimed he smelled alcohol, and that Roger was slurring his words, so he initiated a DUI investigation. Roger agreed to perform the field sobriety exercises, which the cop wrote in the police report that he failed and arrested him for DUI. He administered a breath test, and Roger blew a zero. This cop was out to get him for some reason, and initiated a second breath test later on, and again Roger blew a zero. He then made him do a urine test for drugs. The urine test also came back negative.
Strategy of Attack on South Florida Driving Under the Influence Case:
This was an investigation where the cop seemed to have a vendetta against our client. We pointed out to the prosecutor that all three of the tests came back negative, showing that Roger clearly was not impaired.
Facing Driving Under the Influence Charges in South Florida? We Offer Free Consultations.
Call our office to schedule an appointment for a free consultation:
- Fort Lauderdale DUI Lawyer: (754) 206-6200
- Sunrise: (754) 999-2499
- Boca Raton: (561) 880-8181