South Florida Defense Attorneys Drops False DUI Charges on Saint Patricks Day

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South Florida Defense Attorneys Drops False DUI Charges on Saint Patricks Day

South Florida Defense Attorney Beats False DUI Arrest on Saint Patrick's Day in Fort Lauderdale

Outcome of DUI Case in Fort Lauderdale:

Julia was wrongfully charged with a DUI soon after her involvement in a minor traffic accident with an unmarked and illegally parked City of Fort Lauderdale Police vehicle. With the attorneys at Rossen Law Firm at her side, she was able to get her DUI case dropped.

Client Concerns During DUI Case in Fort Lauderdale:

For most, being involved in a traffic accident, regardless of the severity, can be an absolute nightmare. This much can doubly be said for Julia, who had the unfortunate chance of being involved in one with a Fort Lauderdale Police officer. The last thing Julia also wanted- added to a stressful mix of police reports, court filings, and insurance claims, was an unexpected DUI charge.

Facts about the DUI Case in Fort Lauderdale:

Julia was exiting a parking lot in Fort Lauderdale after a day of manning a jewelry booth that was a part of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Festival. Exhausted from having worked the booth since early that morning, Julia merely wanted to get on her way, having still needed to pick up her nearby mother before she could finally rest at home. But preventing her from doing so, was a White Chevy Tahoe that happened to be blocking the roadway.

Julia attempted to squeeze past the illegally parked SUV, but inadvertently ended up hitting the vehicle in her efforts to do so. She reversed out, only to then be approached by Officer Arena, the driver of the unmarked Fort Lauderdale police vehicle. Officer Arena then took it upon himself to call in a DUI Investigator from the FLPD DUI Task Force, despite not having much cause for doing so.

The DUI Investigator, Officer James Carter, arrived shortly after. Officer Carter was visibly confused as to why he was called onto the case. According to the Fort Lauderdale Police Department DUI Task Force Guidelines, a request for a Specialized DUI Officer requires some sort of indicator or sign of impairment to justify why they are being requested. A basis to believe that the suspect is imparied must be established before they can proceed with a DUI investigation. Yet, when asked, both of the officers that were already on the scene of the incident admitted to Carter that they did not witness any signs of impairment. Officer Carter then encouraged the other officers to “go talk to her [Julia] and find some signs of impairment.” And as a result, those much needed “signs” were unsurprisingly found very soon after, and later “backed” by Julia’s performance during her voluntary Field Sobriety Exercises.

Strategy to fight the DUI Case in Fort Lauderdale:

Luckily for Julia, the verbal exchanges between the officers, caught on police Body Cam footage, provided all evidence that was needed in order to beat her DUI case. From the moment that Officer Carter instructed the other officers to search for DUI indicators, it was very clear that there was a blatant intent to fabricate the evidence needed to indict Julia. Florida State Attorney’s readily agreed, which is why the case never even made it to trial. Julia now keeps our business card always on hand, confident that while good luck charms may not have helped her on that fateful Saint Patrick’s Day, our firm certainly did.

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