Home / South Florida Attorney Gets Criminal Mischief Case Dismissed
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South Florida Attorney Gets Criminal Mischief Case Dismissed
A 35-year-old woman in Boca Raton, charged with criminal mischief, had her case dismissed due to the incredible efforts and action by our attorney, David Tarras, who showcased her completion of a diversion program in Palm Beach and apologetic nature.
Facts of the Case:
In this case, our client showed up at the residence of her ex-boyfriend, who she shares a child with. At the time of the event, the victim and complainant were pulling up to the residence when they saw our client standing outside. After the victim parked his vehicle and arrived at the scene, she approached the vehicle and struck the front passenger side windshield, causing severe damage. After this, she began to flee from the area in her personal vehicle. To prevent her from leaving, the victim placed himself in front of the moving vehicle, causing a collision between himself and the vehicle.
As a result, our client faced a criminal mischief charge. Her greatest concern was losing her license to be a nurse.
Process and Result:
David Tarras, the lead attorney on this case, worked tirelessly through strategy sessions and mitigation in order to get the warrant taken care of. An important aspect of the case to note was that our client’s ex-boyfriend has been violent in the past and she has made previous reports against him. A meticulous mitigation package was construed in this case to show the character and remorse of our client. This package included an apology letter directly addressed to the complainant, where our client expressed her regret and how sorry she was for her actions. Additionally, our client completed 12 hours of anger management and 50 community service hours, which was crucial in getting the case dismissed.
David was able to get the capias warrant (arrest order) withdrawn in this case by explaining to the Assistant State Attorneys in an email that the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office had been unable to serve our client since she changed her address. She was unaware of the warrant until she was alerted by a friend. Since she has never been in this situation before, she was unaware that she had to consistently check the clerk. David explained in his email that if the warrant was not withdrawn, she would possibly lose her job and ability to provide for her son. The Assistant State Attorney agreed to withdraw the capias if our client came to court. This case had an initial arrest and arraignment, case dispositions, and a pre-trial hearing and plea conference. The final sentencing revealed the charges were dismissed.
Final Result:
Due to David Tarras’ diligence and thoroughness, the charges were dismissed even with probable cause. The state listed the following reasons for the dismissal:
- Successful Completion of Diversion Program In Lieu of Judicial Disposition
- Successful Completion of Diversion Specified Classes
- Successful Completion of Community Service Hours
- Restitution and apology letter made to victim
Overall, David’s consistent effort to get the charges dismissed and ability to get the capias withdrawn truly changed the life of our client and allowed her to continue working and providing for her son.