Shipping Marijuana and THC Edibles Case Dismissed By Fort Lauderdale Drug Defense Attorneys

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Shipping Marijuana and THC Edibles Case Dismissed By Fort Lauderdale Drug Defense Attorneys

Shipping Marijuana and THC Edibles Case Dismissed in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Outcome of Marijuana Trafficking Case:

Because of Roberto’s quick decision to call us, he does not have a mugshot, was not arrested and did not face any criminal charges. His case was completely dismissed and he can now return to his life with his job and reputation intact.

Client Concerns about Marijuana Trafficking Charge:

Roberto had a solid career and being arrested for a serious felony would not only jeopardize his managerial position but also other aspects of his life. He faced the embarrassment of a mugshot and a criminal conviction that would surely follow him in years to come. Roberto wanted to make sure that this incident wouldn’t ruin his reputation and cost him his livelihood. Roberto couldn’t understand how something so innocent and legal in other states could carry such a harsh penalty in Florida.

Facts on Marijuana Trafficking Case:

Roberto is the manager of a South Florida warehouse and while on vacation in another state where marijuana is legal, he decided to mail marijuana and THC edibles back to his place of work. About a week after his return he was informed that the police had come into his job and asked to speak with him. Roberto was not working at the time so he avoided having to speak with officers. He immediately began panicking and made the wise decision to give an experienced defense attorney a call. At that point, we began to protect Roberto right away.

Strategy of Attack on Marijuana Trafficking Case:

We had to ensure that Broward County detectives would have the least amount of evidence possible for a criminal case. We made sure to have a face to face meeting with Roberto to begin strategizing. At that meeting, we provided him with an invocation of rights form which lets the police know that Roberto is represented by an attorney. The form also specifies that Roberto is invoking his 5th amendment right against self-incrimination. We wanted to ensure that there was no miscommunication or violation of Roberto’s rights by the Broward Sheriff’s Office. At that point, we reached out to the detectives at the Broward Sheriff’s Office and informed them that Roberto had hired us and he would not be answering any of their questions. After a few lengthy conversations with detectives, they realized there was not enough evidence to charge Roberto. There was not sufficient evidence to link Roberto to sending the package or that he had knowledge that it was sent to him. Thus, Roberto's case was dismissed and he was able to return to his life without a Marijuana Trafficking charge on his record.

Facing Marijuana Trafficking Charges? We Offer Free Consultations.

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