Allegations of driving under the influence (DUI) are serious matters. A conviction could result in jail time, heavy fines, and losing your license for at least 180 days. Charges involving extreme intoxication harm to others carry even more severe penalties, as do repeat offenses.
Often, drunk driving charges arise from genuine mistakes and misunderstandings. At Rossen Law Firm, we feel that every person deserves a strong defense against DUI allegations. A Miramar DUI lawyer is prepared to help you to build your defense and present it in court. This might mean seeking out a fair resolution through a diversionary program, or fighting the allegations at trial in pursuit of a full acquittal. Regardless of the exact nature of your charge, having an expert defense attorney in your corner is vital.
Potential Penalties for a First DUI Conviction
DUI is usually a misdemeanor-level offense in Miramar and throughout the rest of the state. However, convictions for driving under the influence come with enhanced penalties that often are more severe than in typical misdemeanor cases.
Of most concern is the potential jail time that may result from a DUI case. Unlike in most misdemeanor cases, the maximum jail time for a first-offense DUI case is six months. The fines in these cases can also be substantial; courts here have the power to impose a fine of between $500 and $1,000.
Finally, a court must suspend your driver’s license for at least 180 days after a conviction. This could significantly impact your ability to get to work or care for children. An
award-winning Miramar DUI attorney can provide more information about the penalties for a first conviction and how different aspects of a case may make an impaired driving allegation even more serious.
Defending You Against DUI Allegations
Most DUI cases center around the consumption of alcohol. According to Florida Statute § 316.193, it is illegal for any person to drive any kind of motor vehicle while having a blood/alcohol level of .08 percent or more. Police officers can demand that you submit to a breath, blood, or urine test to measure your alcohol levels if they have a reasonable suspicion of drunk driving.
However, not every DUI case centers around this measurement. The same statute says that an arrest and prosecution for DUI is appropriate if a police officer believes that your ability to control a vehicle is impaired. Notably, this can apply to illegal drugs and even prescription medications. Because of this, it is vital to understand an officer’s justification for making an arrest to prepare an effective defense.
A Miramar DUI defense lawyer can perform a full analysis of your case to determine the best possible route for your defense. This could include questioning the officer’s reasons for making a traffic stop, contesting the validity of any medical tests, and debating whether the result of field sobriety tests was a sufficient cause to make an arrest.
Speak with an Expert Miramar DUI Attorney Now to Begin Building Your Defense
The mere allegation of DUI has the potential to force major changes in your life. Police officers will seize a license and could keep it through the resolution of a case in some situations. This is to say nothing of the financial penalties, mandatory license suspension, and possible time spent in jail that accompany a conviction.
In these situations, it is crucial that you work with the best attorneys. An
award-winning Miramar DUI lawyer at Rossen Law Firm is prepared from day one to contest a police officer’s findings, defend your rights during all court sessions, and push for an acquittal that preserves your freedom and right to continue driving.
Reach out to our office to schedule a time to discuss your options. Your initial
strategy session is free, so do not hesitate to get in touch.