It is understandable to feel frightened or overwhelmed after being arrested. Even misdemeanor-level cases can leave you with a criminal record and time behind bars. Felony charges carry life-changing consequences and may even come with mandatory minimum prison sentences. It is critical to act immediately once you learn that you are the target of a police investigation.
After an arrest, your first call should be to an expert Miramar criminal defense lawyer. Our award-winning team at Rossen Law Firm works to help you understand the law, evaluate the power of the State’s evidence, and craft a defense that aims to bring you the best outcome the evidence permits.
Providing a Defense from the Earliest Possible Moment
A skilled defense attorney can provide immediate assistance from the moment that they take on a case. This applies regardless of your case’s current status. You will want help when you learn that you are the target of a law enforcement investigation. A Miramar criminal defense attorney works to present evidence that convinces a District Attorney’s office to drop the case or at least control the situation under which an arrest occurs.
A lawyer will also provide tangible benefits while you are in police custody. This can involve protecting you against aggressive police interrogation tactics or arguing against the use of prejudicial lineup identifications.
Finally, an attorney works to protect your rights during even the earliest court hearings. This could convince a court to offer more lenient bail terms or to forego the creation of restrictive restraining orders. In sum, the earlier you hire a lawyer, the better the chances that they can protect your rights and freedoms.
An Attorney Can Provide Protection Against All Kinds of Criminal Accusations
Every criminal case is a serious matter where even a mere arrest can have a profound impact on your life. Even something as simple as a stop for an alleged traffic violation can be financially devastating and lead to the loss of a driver’s license. More harsh allegations that take the form of misdemeanors and felonies will result in a criminal record upon conviction and could even force you to spend time in jail or prison.
A criminal defense lawyer is ready to present a robust defense against all forms of serious criminal allegations in Miramar. Typical examples include:
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Assault and battery
- Allegations of illegal sexual activity
- Drug distribution or trafficking cases
- Instances involving alleged theft or destruction of property
- Federal and white collar charges such as fraud and money laundering
There are just a few examples of cases where having an attorney on your side could be the difference between a positive outcome and time behind bars. Talking with an experienced attorney now allows them to get to work forming your defense right away.
Discuss Your Case with a Miramar Criminal Defense Attorney
When you are the subject of a criminal investigation, you need to act swiftly to protect your rights. Even time spent in police custody or during an initial court hearing will involve crucial matters that can shape the coming months. This could include whether evidence that police collect will be admissible at trial or whether you will be able to await the end of your case from the comfort of your home.
A top Miramar criminal defense lawyer is ready to fight for you. From day one, we are ready to explain the law and defend your rights during all court sessions. This includes arraignments, pre-trial sessions, and final trials before a jury. At Rossen Law Firm, we leave no stone unturned in building your defense. Call and set up your strategy session today to get started.