When you face domestic violence charges, your future and freedom may be on the line. Further, you are dealing with a criminal justice system that prioritizes obtaining a conviction rather than safeguarding your legal rights. Too many people end up with wrongful domestic violence convictions or overly harsh penalties.
To best protect yourself, you must hire an experienced domestic abuse attorney who fights your charges and protects your rights. Of course, hiring a criminal defense attorney comes with a financial cost, and you must be aware of the general financial guidelines before you retain one for your case. However, recognize that the cost of hiring a defense attorney is less than the possible consequences of not hiring one.
You Pay for a Criminal Defense Attorney By the Hour
Criminal defense attorneys often charge fees on an hourly basis. A criminal defense attorney is prohibited from working for you on a contingency basis like a personal injury attorney does. This means they cannot tie their fees to the outcome of your case.
A criminal defense attorney might ask you to pay them a retainer fee upfront. This is a lump sum of money to cover future billings in the case. When your criminal defense lawyer spends time working on your case, they will take money from your retainer to cover the costs and fees. When the retainer fee is depleted or reaches a certain amount, the criminal defense attorney asks for another retainer if your case is still ongoing.
Some criminal defense lawyers charge a flat fee for certain types of cases. For example, if you have a relatively straightforward DUI case, you might make one payment upfront and not receive any additional bills during the process.
The Exact Cost of a Criminal Defense Attorney Depends on Your Case
It is hard to say exactly how much your criminal defense lawyer will cost without knowing the details of your specific case. Like anything legal in nature, the answer to most questions depends on the facts and circumstances of your situation. Some domestic violence cases are more complex than others, and there are very few certainties.
The rate that a criminal defense lawyer charges you also depends on their experience and reputation in their field. If you are hiring someone widely regarded as one of your area’s leading criminal defense attorneys, you can expect to pay a higher rate. There is nothing to say that a lower-priced criminal defense lawyer cannot provide you with strong legal representation. However, you can consider investing in a criminal defense attorney who charges more if you want a hard-hitting litigator to take your case all the way to trial.
Generally, if you want to fight the charges against you and possibly take your case to trial, you can expect to pay more for a criminal defense attorney. Then, you need a lawyer to prepare for the trial and represent you in court. This is often a necessary expense if you are innocent or the prosecutor has insufficient evidence to prove your charges. You should not let legal expenses stand between you and a vigorous criminal defense in your case.
How a Criminal Defense Lawyer Helps Your Domestic Violence Case

In any event, you must spend some money for a quality criminal defense attorney. Their job is to ensure your legal rights are respected throughout the process. When you hire a criminal defense lawyer for your domestic violence case, they may do the following:
- Explain the legal process and your rights, making sure you are aware of how your case will proceed
- Review and investigate your case to determine whether there are any applicable legal defenses that you can use
- Negotiate with the prosecutor should you choose to try to seek a plea bargain
- Try your case in court should you elect to fight the charges against you
- Deal with other collateral consequences of the criminal charges or a conviction
The Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction

Hiring a criminal defense lawyer is definitely a wise investment if you have been charged with domestic violence. There are very significant and costly impacts on your life if you are convicted of these offenses, including:
- Probation and jail time
- Fines
- Restraining orders
- The potential loss of your job
- Loss of the ability to own a firearm
- A change in your immigration status, including potential removal
- Negative consequences for your custody rights
You should always get help from a criminal defense attorney rather than try to deal with the system on your own. The prosecutor may rush to charge and convict you of a domestic violence crime. You may feel like you are being railroaded into a quick guilty plea so the prosecutor can win a conviction.
A criminal defense attorney can put the brakes on any rush to judgment and fight for your legal rights. They may negotiate a plea deal on more favorable terms or fight the charges against you. There is a chance your attorney can get the charges against you completely dismissed based on false allegations or constitutional violations.
To get these benefits of a strong defense, you must consult a defense firm in your area and discuss fees today.
Contact a Domestic Violence Lawyer Immediately
When you have been arrested, the most important thing is to contact a criminal defense lawyer to schedule an initial consultation as soon as possible. Some criminal defense attorneys offer free consultations, where you get your first chance to discuss your case with them and hear some of their initial reactions to the charges against you. Ensure you understand the legal costs and fee arrangements expected of you before you sign a representation agreement with a lawyer. While it might be tempting to save money and face your charges alone, the consequences can often be much costlier than legal fees for an attorney.
Many violations of your legal rights can occur soon after you have been arrested and even before you have been charged with a crime. Thus, the very first phone call you make after you have been arrested for alleged domestic violence should be to a criminal defense attorney.