Former prosecutor turned Florida defense attorney Adam Rossen and his team at the Rossen Law Firm has prepared these free booklet guides to help people learn more about Florida state law, their rights, what to expect from the legal system in South Florida, and much more.
Whether you're facing a DUI, criminal charge, or an arrest of any kind in Florida these free guides - which you can download instantly - will offer invaluable information.
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Florida Domestic Violence
7 Rules You Need to Know to Survive a Florida DUI
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The Legal Dangers of Child Porn Possession in South Florida: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney explains in Free Book
Possessing Child Porn in Florida has serious penalties. Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorneys explain dangers of child porn and how to protect your rights
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Outcome Of Aggravated Assault Case:
The prosecutors dropped the case before the judge even ruled on our motion to suppress. All of the charges against Gino were dismissed.
Client Concerns About Aggravated Assault Charge:
Gino was facing serious prison time if convicted.
Facts On Aggravated Assault Case:
Gino A. was trying to merge onto I-95, but another car would not let him in. That's when Gino allegedly merged onto I-95, sped up until he was driving alongside this car, and fired two shots at the vehicle. The other driver thought he had thrown a rock at the car and kept driving. When he reached his place of work, the driver noticed there were two bullet holes in the side of the vehicle and called the police. The police ran the make and model of the car, which had a specialty plate, narrowed it down to a few suspects and arrested Gino. He then hired us to defend him.
Strategy Of Attack On Aggravated Assault Case:
The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) did a terrible job on the investigation. There were several major problems: 1) They never did a photo lineup of the suspects; 2) They never tested the inside of Gino's car for gunshot residue. Gunshot residue is very sticky, so we argued that because Gino had cloth seats and was accused of firing the gun out of the passenger side window, testing would have shown highly concentrated amounts of the substance in that area, but FHP never did the test; 3) FHP screwed up the search warrant. They had Gino's apartment number wrong, but instead of getting a correct search warrant, they tied Gino up and threw him on the ground while they proceeded to search his apparent without permission. While the police claimed that Gino agreed to the search, we argued that he was acquiescing to authority, not consenting to the search.
While illegally inside his apartment, police didn't find any guns that matched the bullet fragments in the case. However they did find the empty case of a 22 Caliber Mosquito that matched the bullets. The gun was not in the case and Gino said he had sold it a couple of years prior. We had a replica of the gun made to use at trial. In deposition the victim claimed he had not made eye contact with the shooter. He had only heard minor honking and kept driving. He heard two loud bangs, and then saw Gino with his hand being lowered. He did not see a firearm in his hand. But the replica showed it would have been impossible not to see a gun of that size in his hand. We then filed a motion to suppress all of the evidence found through this illegal search.
Outcome of Assault with a Firearm Case:
The charges against Chavez were dropped within one month.
Client Concerns about Assault with a Firearm Charge:
Chavez was charged with a crime that had very serious consequences were he found guilty. He was afraid of going to jail, of having a criminal record, and of having his life ruined by the person he supported like family.
Facts on Assault with a Firearm Case:
Chavez is a family man who lived with and financially supported both his mother and his stepfather in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida. Chavez had a horrible relationship with his stepfather, who was unappreciative and combative. One day when Chavez stepped outside the house, many of the cars out front (he is a car broker) had been vandalized, their tires slashed and windows broken. Chavez knew his stepfather was the cause of the vandalism and told him to pack his things and move out. Chavez then went inside the house and called the police to report the vandalism. When the police arrived they arrested Chavez. His stepfather had told the police that Chavez threatened his life and pointed a gun at him.
Strategy of Attack on Assault with a Firearm Case:
The stepfather was lying and the police did a terrible investigation. There was no gun found at the scene, or in the vehicles. We also interviewed two independent witnesses who confirmed that at no time was Chavez holding a gun. These witnesses were on scene when the police arrived but never questioned by them. We convinced the prosecutor that there was not enough evidence to prove aggravated assault.
Facing Felony Charges in South Florida? We Offer Free Consultations.
Call our office to schedule an appointment for a free consultation:
- Fort Lauderdale: (754) 206-6200
- Sunrise: (754) 999-2499
- Boca Raton: (561) 880-8181
15-Year-Old Teen Charged with Felony Battery Gets Dropped to a Misdemeanor by South Florida Attorney
Quick Summary:
A 15-year-old teen involved in a mob beating in Parkland, Florida, had felony battery charges reduced to a misdemeanor thanks to the strategic defense by South Florida attorney Susan Lawson. This allowed the teen to return to school and avoid a felony conviction.
Facts of the Case:
A 15-year-old teen from Parkland, Florida, was involved in this case. The incident occurred at a park near a high school campus in Parkland, where the client was one of six teens arrested for assaulting a victim who suffered a severe skull injury. The client was initially charged with felony battery along with the other arrested teens, despite not being the main perpetrator. The case gained significant media attention due to the violent nature of the fight and the severity of the victim's injuries.
The client was the last to be identified among the six attackers and had a minimal role, joining the altercation near its end and only throwing a punch or kick. This lack of substantial involvement was crucial in reducing the charges. The defense focused on the client's positive character and minimal participation in the incident. Character references from parents, teachers, coaches, and family members highlighted the client's respectful and kind nature, as well as their strong academic performance and involvement in high-level courses. The client also completed a 16-hour anger management class, demonstrating a commitment to personal improvement.
Process and Result:
- Strategy Session: Susan Lawson held multiple strategy sessions with the client and their family to gather detailed character references and prepare a comprehensive mitigation package.
- Type of Session: In-person and phone sessions with the client and their family to gather information and build the defense strategy.
- Concerns of the Client and Actions by Rossen Law Firm: A primary concern was ensuring the client could return to school, which would not be possible with a felony conviction. Susan focused on demonstrating the client's good character and minor involvement in the fight. She compiled character references and evidence of the client's academic achievements and positive community involvement. The defense also highlighted the client's completion of an anger management class as evidence of their commitment to rehabilitation.
- Motions Filed: A detailed mitigation package was filed, including character references, evidence of the client's academic and community involvement, and proof of completion of the anger management class.
- Stages of the Justice System: This case had an initial arrest and arraignment, where the client pleaded not guilty, some pre-trial hearings where the mitigation package was presented, negotiations with the prosecution based on the presented evidence and the client's minor role in the fight, and court hearings determining the acceptance of the reduced charges and the final plea.
Final Result:
Thanks to Susan Lawson's diligent efforts, the charges were reduced from felony battery to a misdemeanor. The client pleaded no contest, allowing them to return to school and continue their academic and extracurricular activities. The court imposed a sentence of 50 hours of community service and a 500-word essay, along with probation conditions requiring the client to stay away from the fight location and avoid contact with co-defendants. This outcome was a significant success, demonstrating Susan's dedication and the effectiveness o
Aggravated Assault with a Weapon Case Dismissed by South Florida Attorney
Quick Summary:
A 65-year-old man in Miami, charged with aggravated assault with a firearm, had his case dismissed due to the effective defense by our attorney, Susan Lawson, who highlighted his lack of criminal history and self-defense actions.
Facts of the Case:
A 65-year-old man from Miami, Florida, was involved in this case. The incident occurred outside a storage facility where the client found his truck had been backed into by the victim. The client was charged with aggravated assault with a firearm. This incident marked the first time the client had ever been involved in such an altercation. The client walked out of the storage facility to find the victim's vehicle had backed into his truck. As the client began taking pictures of the victim's license plate while standing beside his truck, the victim approached, claiming the client couldn't take pictures and proceeded to attack him. Photographic evidence showed the victim's hands in the client's face. In self-defense, the client pulled out his licensed firearm and warned the victim to back off. Although camera footage showed the client striking the victim and drawing his firearm, it also proved he did not rack the gun, contradicting the victim's false claims.
Process and Result:
- Strategy Session: Susan Lawson, the lead attorney, held multiple strategy sessions with the client to gather all relevant facts and evidence. These sessions focused on preparing a defense that highlighted the client's clean record and the self-defense nature of the incident.
- Type of Session: In-person and phone sessions with the client to gather detailed accounts of the incident and prepare the defense strategy.
- Concerns of the Client and Actions Taken by Rossen Law Firm: The primary concern was disproving the victim's false claims and emphasizing the client's right to self-defense. Susan meticulously compiled evidence, including camera footage and photographs, to demonstrate the client's defensive actions and the victim's aggression. She also highlighted the client's lack of criminal history to show this incident was an anomaly.
- Motions Filed: Susan filed motions to present the photographic evidence and camera footage, which were crucial in disproving the victim's account and demonstrating the client's self-defense.
- Stages of the Justice System: This case had an initial arrest and arraignment, where the client pleaded not guilty, pre-trial hearings where Susan presented the gathered evidence. and a first court appearance where Susan effectively argued for the case's dismissal based on the presented evidence and the client's lack of criminal history.
Final Case Result:
Due to Susan Lawson's dedication and meticulous attention to detail, the case was dismissed at the first court appearance. She successfully argued that the client acted in self-defense, disproving the victim's false claims and emphasizing the client's clean record. This result not only cleared the client's name but also reaffirmed his right to defend himself in a threatening situation.