Charges Get Dismissed by South Florida Defense Attorneys for Shoplifting Case in Coral Springs, Florida

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Charges Get Dismissed by South Florida Defense Attorneys for Shoplifting Case in Coral Springs, Florida

South Florida Defense Lawyers Get Petit Theft Case Dismissed in Coral Springs, Florida

Outcome of Broward County Shoplifting Case:

We were able to get Michelle into the pre-trial theft intervention program. She completed twelve months in the program and the charges against her were dismissed.

Client Concerns about Broward County Shoplifting Charge:

Michelle was extremely embarrassed about what she had done, terrified of having a criminal record, and this case was putting even more strain on her marriage.

Facts on Broward County Shoplifting Case:

Michelle D. was shopping at Kohl's in Coral Springs, Florida one day when she hid $346 worth of clothes and jewelry in her purse, intending to steal them. She had never done anything like that before, but was under a lot of stress from the strain of her marriage, and the money problems her family was having at home. When the loss prevention officer confronted her inside the store, Michelle admitted to stealing the items and said she needed them for her new job and did not have the money to pay for them. She was then arrested for shoplifting.

Strategy of Attack on Broward County Shoplifting Case:

Michelle had never been in trouble before and was an excellent candidate for the pre-trial intervention program.

Facing Petit Theft Charges in South Florida? We Offer Free Consultations.

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