Broward County Defense Attorneys Get Elder Abuse and Fraud Investigation Closed without an Arrest in Davie, Florida

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Broward County Defense Attorneys Get Elder Abuse and Fraud Investigation Closed without an Arrest in Davie, Florida

Broward County Defense Lawyers Get Elderly Abuse Case Dismissed in Davie, Florida

Outcome of Elderly Abuse Case in Davie:

By demonstrating these were false accusations, we finally convinced the detectives not to arrest Tiffany. All of the charges against her were dropped.

Client Concerns about Elderly Abuse Charge in Davie:


Tiffany was an emotional wreck. She uprooted her life in New York to come down to Florida to take care of her mother, and now not only was she being accused of doing terrible things to the woman, but she was also being thrown out on the street.

Facts on Elderly Abuse Case in Davie:

Tiffany F. moved down to Florida from New York to take care of her 89-year-old mother who was suffering from early onset dementia. Tiffany had two other siblings who had a terrible relationship with their mother, who was known to be both a liar and a difficult person. While Tiffany was living with her, her mother accused Tiffany of stealing all her money, at which point an investigation was launched, with the potential charges of elder abuse and fraud being lodged against her.

Strategy of Attack on Elderly Abuse Case in Davie:

Tiffany's mother had a history of lying. Even her other siblings didn't believe that their mother was telling the truth. DCF records also showed that her mother had made false accusations in the past. We also had Tiffany pull signed statements from her mother detailing gifts that she gave to Tiffany (which she now claimed had been stolen). A three-month investigation ensued in which the investigator was so mean and dismissive of Tiffany that we filed a formal complaint against her with her sergeant.

Facing Elderly Abuse Charges in South Florida? We Offer Free Consultations.

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