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South Florida DUI and Criminal Offense Blog: Information from DUI, Criminal & Federal Defense Attorneys serving Palm Beach and Broward Counties 


Welcome to Rossen Law Firm’s Blog. RLF is home to four award-winning criminal defense attorneys. We defend clients in South Florida facing allegations related to: DUI, criminal, federal, white collar, domestic violence and more.


Our blog provides relevant, up-to-date news and information from across Florida that could affect your legal rights and your legal case.


Keep up with our regular posts to find out more about Florida laws and how they affect you and your community, DUI and criminal charges, federal charges, possible criminal consequences, tips and education on your rights in Florida when you have an encounter with the law or police, and much more.

I have a professional license – what do I do if I’m charged with a DUI in Florida? Fort Lauderdale DUI Attorney gives next steps

I have a professional license – what do I do if I’m charged with a DUI in Florida? Fort Lauderdale DUI Attorney gives next steps

I have a professional license – what do I do if I'm charged with a DUI in Florida? Fort Lauderdale DUI Attorney gives next steps Don’t panic, but if you have a professional license in Florida and are charged with a Florida DUI you need to take control and act quickly.   First things first […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: DUI
What are all the ways you can get a DUI in Florida even when you’re not driving?: DUI Attorney Explains

What are all the ways you can get a DUI in Florida even when you’re not driving?: DUI Attorney Explains

What are all the ways you can get a DUI in Florida even when you’re not driving? Did you know you can get a DUI in Florida even when you’re not driving a car?    You can get a Florida DUI for doing things such as: Sitting in the driver’s seat of your parked vehicle, […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: DUI
How Does a DUI Charge Affect a Dentist in Florida?: South Florida DUI Lawyer Shares

How Does a DUI Charge Affect a Dentist in Florida?: South Florida DUI Lawyer Shares

How Does a DUI Charge Affect a Dentist in Florida?: South Florida DUI Lawyer Shares  If you’re a dentist in Florida and are arrested for a DUI, you need to know that this charge is a very serious threat to your dental license in the state of Florida.   Dentists only have 30 days to […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: DUI
What is a Wire Fraud Crime?: Federal Attorney Explains Wire Fraud and Consequences

What is a Wire Fraud Crime?: Federal Attorney Explains Wire Fraud and Consequences

What Constitutes the Crime of Federal Wire Fraud?: Federal Attorney Talks Wire Fraud Penalties What is wire fraud? Federal wire fraud is a scheme used by an individual to defraud another person of property or items of value, using communication devices or social networking applications.    Examples of Federal Wire Fraud Using a cellphone to […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Federal CrimesTheft & Fraud
How Are Federal Sentences Calculated Using the Federal Sentencing Guidelines?

How Are Federal Sentences Calculated Using the Federal Sentencing Guidelines?

How Do Federal Judges Fashion a Sentence According to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines? Federal Sentence Calculations Using the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a) Before a federal judge can fashion a sentence for a defendant, the federal judge must first consider the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines create a formula that […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Federal Crimes
Can I Get my Federal Prison Sentence Reduced for Helping the Federal Government in a Case?: Federal Attorney Answers

Can I Get my Federal Prison Sentence Reduced for Helping the Federal Government in a Case?: Federal Attorney Answers

Can I Get my Federal Prison Sentence Reduced for Helping the Federal Government in a Case?: Federal Attorney talks Reduction of Prison Sentence After Aiding the Government in a Federal Case Can your sentence be reduced if you help the federal government in a case? Yes! It is possible to get your prison sentence reduced […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Criminal Defense
What do I do if Federal Law Enforcement Comes to my House with a Search Warrant?: Federal Attorney Explains your Rights

What do I do if Federal Law Enforcement Comes to my House with a Search Warrant?: Federal Attorney Explains your Rights

Federal Law Enforcement at your House with a Search Warrant?: Federal Attorney Explains your Rights   Law enforcement knocking on your door is never a pleasant experience. You might feel your heart pounding, maybe your palms are sweaty or perhaps you’re even in complete shock – why in the world are police at your door? […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Uncategorized
What’s an Exploited Children Civil Remedy? South Florida Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What’s an Exploited Children Civil Remedy? South Florida Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What is an Exploited Children Civil Remedy? South Florida Criminal Defense Attorney Explains Civil Remedy for Exploited Children often has to do with Child Pornography in Florida Essentially, Florida law describes Child Pornography as any image depicting a minor (someone under 18 years of age) engaged in sexual conduct.   Exploited Children’s Civil Remedy in […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Uncategorized
What is the Duty to Report Sexual Battery in Florida?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What is the Duty to Report Sexual Battery in Florida?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What is the Duty to Report Sexual Battery in Florida?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney Explains  According to the Florida statutes, there are a variety of people and professions which are required to report suspected sexual battery and sexual misconduct in Florida. In Florida, people with the duty to report a sexual battery is someone […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Uncategorized
What happens if I get a DUI with a child in the car?: South Florida DUI Attorney Explains Consequences

What happens if I get a DUI with a child in the car?: South Florida DUI Attorney Explains Consequences

What happens if I get a DUI with a child in the car?: Fort Lauderdale DUI lawyer talks penalties If you get a DUI with a child in the car in Florida it is a Felony.    DUI is a serious crime in the state of Florida. Florida has some of the harshest DUI laws […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: DUI
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