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South Florida DUI and Criminal Offense Blog: Information from DUI, Criminal & Federal Defense Attorneys serving Palm Beach and Broward Counties 


Welcome to Rossen Law Firm’s Blog. RLF is home to four award-winning criminal defense attorneys. We defend clients in South Florida facing allegations related to: DUI, criminal, federal, white collar, domestic violence and more.


Our blog provides relevant, up-to-date news and information from across Florida that could affect your legal rights and your legal case.


Keep up with our regular posts to find out more about Florida laws and how they affect you and your community, DUI and criminal charges, federal charges, possible criminal consequences, tips and education on your rights in Florida when you have an encounter with the law or police, and much more.

What is a Personal Liberty Crime in South Florida?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Attorney shares

What is a Personal Liberty Crime in South Florida?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Attorney shares

What is a Personal Liberty Crime in Florida?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Attorney shares At the core, personal liberty crimes in Florida involve a person’s intentional actions that purposely deprive another person of his or her sense of liberty and security.    Personal liberty crimes vary in types and forms, such as from kidnapping to written […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Criminal Defense
What DUI Diversion Programs are Available in Palm Beach County?

What DUI Diversion Programs are Available in Palm Beach County?

What Kind of DUI Diversion Programs are Available in Palm Beach County? Depending on the facts of your case, you may have the opportunity to complete a DUI Diversion Program in Palm Beach County. If you qualify for this program, your completion of it would result in your DUI charges getting dropped. A DUI Diversion […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: DUI
How can a South Florida criminal defense attorney help me if I’ve been arrested? Fort Lauderdale Attorney shares

How can a South Florida criminal defense attorney help me if I’ve been arrested? Fort Lauderdale Attorney shares

How can a South Florida criminal defense attorney help me if I've been arrested? Fort Lauderdale Attorney answers If you’ve been charged with a crime in Fort Lauderdale or anywhere in South Florida, you’re in a very serious situation. The consequences of a criminal conviction in Florida are severe and can affect your personal, professional, […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Criminal Defense
What are the Most Common Federal Crimes?: Federal Attorney in South Florida Answers

What are the Most Common Federal Crimes?: Federal Attorney in South Florida Answers

Most Common Federal Crimes: Federal Attorneys Discuss Crimes Claimed by National Lawyers and Federal Organizations   What are federal crimes? Federal crimes are offenses that violate U.S. federal statutes. All federal crimes are prosecuted under federal courts. Federal cases are prosecuted by either the Federal Bureau of Investigation or federal government agencies. According to Womack […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Federal CrimesWeapon
Why Didn’t the Police Read Me My Miranda Rights When I Got Arrested for DUI?

Why Didn’t the Police Read Me My Miranda Rights When I Got Arrested for DUI?

Why Were You Not Read Your Rights When You Were Arrested for Drinking and Driving in Florida? If you were arrested in Florida for drunk driving, there is a good chance your rights were not read to you at any point. Why is this the case? In short, the reason why the police do not […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Uncategorized
It’s my first DUI—will I go to jail in South Florida? DUI Lawyer Explains

It’s my first DUI—will I go to jail in South Florida? DUI Lawyer Explains

It’s my first DUI—will I go to jail in South Florida? DUI Lawyer Answers No result is ever guaranteed, and no lawyer should ever tell you that it is. While it is very unlikely that you will go to jail for your first DUI, it is still a possibility to go to jail for your […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: DUI
It’s my first Drug Possession charge in South Florida. Will I go to jail? Drug Defense Attorney Explains

It’s my first Drug Possession charge in South Florida. Will I go to jail? Drug Defense Attorney Explains

It’s my first drug possession charge in South Florida. Will I go to jail? Drug Crime Lawyer Explains While no attorney can guarantee the result of any case – and you should be very wary of a criminal defense attorney that tries to promise you a certain result on your case –  it is unlikely […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Drug Crimes
Can I text and drive in Florida? Fort Lauderdale Attorney explains texting and driving laws

Can I text and drive in Florida? Fort Lauderdale Attorney explains texting and driving laws

Can I text & drive in Florida? South Florida Attorney explains texting and driving laws No, you can't text and drive in Florida. It is illegal to text and drive in Florida. The law includes many forms of communication, making it is illegal to text, e-mail, instant message and to use social media while driving […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Texting
Is not knowing someone’s age a defense to sexual abuse in Florida? What if you thought it was a consensual relationship?

Is not knowing someone’s age a defense to sexual abuse in Florida? What if you thought it was a consensual relationship?

Is not knowing someone’s age a defense to sexual abuse in Florida? What if you thought it was a consensual relationship?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney Explains In short, Florida law doesn’t care whether or not you thought the person you were having sexual relations with was 18 years old or older. Florida law and […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Sexual Abuse
If I’m pulled over for texting and driving, can a cop search my phone?: NO, says Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney

If I’m pulled over for texting and driving, can a cop search my phone?: NO, says Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney

If I’m pulled over for texting and driving in Florida, can a cop search my phone?: NOPE, says Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney No, a cop cannot search your phone if you’re pulled over or caught for texting and driving. The Florida texting and driving law statute includes built-in safeguards to protect those who are […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Texting
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