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South Florida DUI and Criminal Offense Blog: Information from DUI, Criminal & Federal Defense Attorneys serving Palm Beach and Broward Counties 


Welcome to Rossen Law Firm’s Blog. RLF is home to four award-winning criminal defense attorneys. We defend clients in South Florida facing allegations related to: DUI, criminal, federal, white collar, domestic violence and more.


Our blog provides relevant, up-to-date news and information from across Florida that could affect your legal rights and your legal case.


Keep up with our regular posts to find out more about Florida laws and how they affect you and your community, DUI and criminal charges, federal charges, possible criminal consequences, tips and education on your rights in Florida when you have an encounter with the law or police, and much more.

What should I do if I’m arrested in South Florida?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorneys’ Advice

What should I do if I’m arrested in South Florida?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorneys’ Advice

What should I do if I’m arrested in South Florida?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney shares It may sound like we're dodging the question – but really the best thing you can do is call a criminal lawyer. Being arrested is a difficult and emotionally jarring time. You’re probably not going to be thinking straight, […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Uncategorized
What’s the Difference Between a Public Defender and a Private Attorney? Criminal Lawyer explains

What’s the Difference Between a Public Defender and a Private Attorney? Criminal Lawyer explains

What’s the difference between a public defender and a private attorney in Fort Lauderdale and South Florida? The biggest differences between a public defender and a private criminal defense attorney are the time and the resources they have. A public defender is employed by the state of Florida. Florida Public Defenders are required to take […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Criminal Defense
What are the theft diversion programs in South Florida? Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What are the theft diversion programs in South Florida? Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What are the theft diversion programs in South Florida? Criminal Defense Attorney Explains First time criminal offenders may be able to have all the theft charges against them DISMISSED in Florida by negotiating a Diversion Program.  What you’ll have to do to qualify for a theft diversion program is completely different dependent on the County […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Theft & Fraud
What is the difference between sealing and expunging my Florida criminal record? Fort Lauderdale Attorney Explains

What is the difference between sealing and expunging my Florida criminal record? Fort Lauderdale Attorney Explains

What is the difference between sealing and expunging my Florida criminal record? Fort Lauderdale Attorney Explains Sealing and Expunging criminal records in Florida is similar in that both Sealing and Expunging Florida criminal records limits who is able to see them. For the person who is the subject of the records, the effect of sealing […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Uncategorized
What’s the difference between petit theft and grand theft in South Florida? Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What’s the difference between petit theft and grand theft in South Florida? Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What are the differences between petit theft and grand theft charges in Florida? The scary thing about petit theft and grand theft crimes in South Florida is that $1 – yes, literally $1 – could make all the difference in whether or not the person who allegedly committed a theft crime will be charged with […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Theft & Fraud
What is the Difference Between a Restraining Order and a No Contact Order in South Florida?

What is the Difference Between a Restraining Order and a No Contact Order in South Florida?

What is the Difference Between a Civil Restraining Order and a No Contact Order in South Florida? While both a restraining order and a no contact order mean you have to stay away from a particular person, they are still very different. The same "outcome" more or less of the orders does not mean they […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Domestic Violence
What is the benefit of having my Florida criminal record sealed or expunged?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney explains

What is the benefit of having my Florida criminal record sealed or expunged?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney explains

What is the benefit of having my Florida criminal record sealed or expunged?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney explains The moment you’re arrested in Florida you have a criminal history and a criminal record. The benefit of having your criminal record sealed or expunged in Florida is that your criminal history and criminal record will […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Uncategorized
What is drug trafficking?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What is drug trafficking?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney Explains

What is Drug Trafficking?: Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney Explains   In Florida, drug crimes involve any crime that uses, creates, or deals with narcotics or controlled substances.  Florida law defines drug trafficking as the intentional sale, purchase, manufacture, delivery, possession or transporting a specific amount of a controlled substance. The amount of the substance […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Drug Crimes
What is drug possession in South Florida? Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney explains

What is drug possession in South Florida? Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney explains

What is Drug Possession in South Florida? Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney Explains Drug Possession in Florida is a very serious drug crime.  In general, drug crimes in Florida involve any crime that uses, creates, or deals with narcotics or controlled substances.  What is a Drug Possession Crime in Florida?  Florida Drug possession crimes are […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Drug Crimes
What is Drug Treatment Court in Fort Lauderdale or South Florida? Criminal Lawyer Explains

What is Drug Treatment Court in Fort Lauderdale or South Florida? Criminal Lawyer Explains

What is a Drug Treatment Court in Fort Lauderdale or South Florida? Criminal Attorney Shares In Florida, Drug Court is an incarceration alternative that can lead to your criminal charges being dismissed.    This means that treatment-based drug court is an alternative program that people who are struggling with addiction can participate in as an […]

Date: 14/12/22

Category: Drug Crimes
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