Holiday Season Crime Surges: South Florida Theft, DUI and Domestic Violence cases increase each holiday season, say Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorneys
‘It’s the holiday season
And Santa Claus is coming 'round
The holiday crimes here can be found
When old Santa gets into town
He won’t bail you out of jail, no’
...OK, fine, that’s not how the Holiday Season song goes; but it is true that there are a number of crimes that significantly increase each and every holiday season in South Florida.
As Fort Lauderdale-based criminal defense attorneys serving all of South Florida, we see these three crimes in particular increase significantly throughout South Florida: Theft (including porch pirating), DUI (driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol) and Domestic Violence.
Theft Crimes increase in South Florida During the Holiday Season
Did you know South Florida is one of the worst areas for porch pirates during the holiday season?

The Miami-Fort Lauderdale area has the THIRD-highest number (nationwide) of packages stolen between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. More widely speaking, South Florida also has the third-highest larceny-theft rate as well - in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area the larceny rate is 23.6 per 1,000 people.
Florida Detectives are warning that COVID-19 especially is leading to a spike in Holiday Package theft, according to ABC. The warning largely has to do with the already high package theft occurrence in Florida; but also due to more and more people shopping online due to the Coronavirus Pandemic to both avoid stores and to send gifts directly to loved ones they won't gather with this holiday season. Detectives say "Porch Pirates" are taking advantage of this online-shopping shift.
During the holiday season in South Florida, doorstep package theft is very common. But it’s not the only kind of theft crime that increases - shoplifting, and stealing from cars and homes also increases during the holiday season in Florida.
Theft Crimes are serious in Florida, and can result in as few as 60 days in jail and as many as 30 years in Prison depending on the crime and the value of the items stolen.
So this holiday season, we recommend not being a porch pirate or a Grinch - but if you find yourself in a tight place - know that at Rossen Law Firm we offer an expert defense to theft defense and a judgement-free zone. We know that bad things can happen to good people and we’re here to help.
Learn more about holiday package theft, the consequences of petit theft vs grand theft vs burglary vs federal mail theft crimes in the video below! If you're a victim of a "porch pirate" - there are options for you as well and we can represent you in court as well and fight for you to get any and all restitution you're due.
DUI Crimes increase in South Florida During the Holiday Season
Happy DUI Season, South Florida! Oops - we mean holiday season... Police patrol aggressively for DUIs during the holidays - we have 3 big DUI survival tips in this video from a Fort Lauderdale DUI attorney.

If you're pulled over for a DUI investigation:
1 - Don't answer any police questions about alcohol consumption
2 - Don't do field sobriety tests or exercises
3 - Breath or Blood / Urine tests: there are consequences, but it's often best to still say "no"
In the video, there are more details on the increased DUI patrolling that police and law enforcement do during the holiday season to arrest people for DUI's as well as information on DUIs with drugs (more and more police are now trained in DUI arrests for people driving under the influence of drugs)
- Learn about 8 common Florida DUI myths.
- DON'T Take a DUI Breathalyzer test this holiday season
- The consequences of a DUI arrest in Florida are steep - for one you only have 10 days to save your driver's license
- Florida DUI jail, prison, and fine penalties
The steep penalties are why you need an excellent South Florida DUI lawyer on your side guiding you through the process and safeguarding your rights after a DUI arrest.
Schedule a free strategy session with our firm and we will go through your individual case with you and come up with the best plan suited to meet your goals.
Remember, bad things do happen to good people. Don’t get down on yourself, help is on your side. You will get through this and we are going to help you.
Call us at 754-206-6200 to see how we can help you.
Domestic Violence Crimes increase in South Florida During the Holiday Season
Domestic Violence charges aren't always what you think - sometimes someone is arrested for serious domestic violence charges in Florida for simply wrestling their brother, or even throwing a fork at the dinner table -- trust us, we’ve seen it all

Not all domestic violence charges are violent or dramatic. If you ever feel you are in danger or your life is threatened - call the police immediately.
If you're just having a family squabble, however, we have different advice. We see domestic violence arrests surge every holiday season, and with the added stress of 2020 we expect it to be no different.
1 - Be safe, but try to deescalate a situation. Only call the police if you are in danger, in fear, or your life is threatened. We say this because sometimes people might call the police to try to teach a family member a lesson, or to try and scare a family member - but this isn't a good idea. In Florida, when police are called due to a domestic disturbance, most likely - someone is leaving with them and getting arrested for a domestic violence charge.
2 - Don't call the police to scare someone. Call the police when actually in fear or in danger. If you're not in fear of harm, consider leaving the house for a bit instead of calling the police.
Watch the video to hear about these domestic violence arrests:
1 - 2 brothers wrestling, a bystander calls the police - one is arrested for domestic violence.
2 - a wife throws a fork at her husband at the dinner table after he told her to - she's arrested for domestic violence.
3 - a father takes his son’s iPad away and they struggle over it. To get back at the dad, the son calls the police - but then the police arrest the son.
Call to set up a FREE strategy session for your Palm Beach, Broward, or Miami-Dade County DUI charge today:

If you or anyone you know is facing a DUI or criminal charge this holiday season, don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation and strategy session to learn how we can help. We’ll defend your rights and work to protect your future.