Why Do I Need A Lawyer If I’m Just Under Criminal Investigation?
Facing a criminal investigation can feel confusing and intimidating, especially if you believe you’ve done nothing wrong. You might think hiring a lawyer is unnecessary...
What is a DUI?
A DUI, or driving under the influence, occurs when a person operates a vehicle while under the effects of alcohol, drugs, or other substances that...
Can You Get A DUI In Florida If You’re Not Driving A Car?
Many people assume that a DUI charge only applies if you’re behind the wheel of a car. In Florida, however, that assumption can lead to...
Can You Get a DUI in Florida If You’re Not Driving a Car?
We all know that in Florida anything is possible. We come up with some of the greatest (and weirdest!) news stories of all time, and...
Florida’s New Texting and Driving Law: Good Intentions may Lead to Serious Consequences
We’re all likely guilty of breaking this new Florida traffic Law. Every once in a while, even the safest of drivers divert their attention from the...
A Quick-Start Guide to Florida’s New Texting and Driving Law
We recently shared a blog about Florida’s new texting and driving law, and the unintended consequences that may result from the law. While there is...
What Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Do?
When you’re facing criminal charges, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The thought of jail time, fines, and a criminal record can be overwhelming. That’s where...
What to Look for in a Criminal Defense Lawyer
Picking the right criminal defense lawyer is one of the most important decisions you’ll make if facing a criminal charge. You might wonder what really...
Why You Need to Seal or Expunge Your Criminal Record in South Florida
Someone’s criminal history may be the first thing an employer considers when deciding to hire one applicant over another in South Florida. Even in a...
Why Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney?
If you’ve been charged with a crime, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Facing criminal charges can be stressful and frightening, and rightfully so....
How the Law Treats Written Threats From Children
As a parent or guardian, you may have encountered instances where your child has made written threats, whether through social media posts, text messages, or...
How Do You Know if You Have a Bad Lawyer? How Do You Find a Good Lawyer?
It’s no secret: many people hate lawyers. You have probably heard someone say “all lawyers are crooks” or “all attorneys care about is money” or...
Celebrating Our Third Year on the Inc. 5000 List!
We’re thrilled to share fantastic news with our Rossen Law Firm family and friends! For the third consecutive year, we’ve made it onto the Inc....
Limb Loss Awareness Month: Walter Shares his Reflections & Progress from the past year
April is limb loss awareness month, and in this blog you have the honor of learning from Walter, our client success manager, on what this month...
10 DUI Arrests at Boca Bash for Boating Under the Influence of Alcohol
One of South Florida’s largest water parties each year is the Boca Bash in Boca Raton, Florida. This year it drew hundreds of boats and...
An Evening with Craig Williams
At Rossen Law Firm, we recently hosted a special fundraising event called “An Evening with Craig Williams.” We want to share the highlights of this...
How Does a DUI Affect My Nursing License in Florida?
A DUI arrest or conviction in Florida can potentially impact your nursing license, but the severity of the consequences depends on various factors. Here's a...
What Happens if I Miss a Court Date in Florida?
Bench Warrant: The judge may issue a bench warrant for your arrest. This authorizes law enforcement to arrest you at any time, even for minor...
Can I Get a DUI on a Golf Cart in Florida?
DUI Statutes Apply to Motor Vehicles: Florida Statutes define a motor vehicle broadly, encompassing any self-propelled device designed for carrying passengers or freight [Florida Statute...
Snapchat and Your Child: When Sharing Becomes Over-Sharing
Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms among teenagers, valued for its fleeting messages and creative, engaging filters. While it offers...