Boca Bash led to 10 DUI Arrests for Boating Under the Influence of Alcohol: DUI Boating Arrests Happen in South Florida, says Boca DUI Attorney
One of South Florida’s largest water parties each year is the Boca Bash in Boca Raton, Florida. This year it drew hundreds of boats and thousands of people. Lately, however, the arrests have been increasing over the past few years for dangerous behaviors.
Of 12 arrests that took place at the Boca Bash this year, 10 of them were drunken-boating arrests according to the Sun Sentinel.
The Sun Sentinel reported the following Boca Cash arrests:
- 10 people at the Boca Bash arrested for boating under the influence of alcohol by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
- 1 person was arrested on charges of disorderly intoxication and resisting arrest
- 1 person was arrested on charges of resisting arrest without violence
Boca News Now released information of each Boca Bash arrest in an article as well. Find it here.
More arrests are suspected. Citations and tickets from other agencies (such as from Boynton Beach Police) may not be fully processed for another day or two.
BREAK DOWN: Criminal Consequences for Boca Bash Arrests
For the 10 people arrested for boating under the influence of alcohol:
- If each of the people were arrested for boating under the influence for the first time - and have never gotten any form of DUI before (such as while driving), the possible consequences they face are up to 6 to 12 months in jail and fines up to $1,000.
- A First-Offense DUI conviction is a second-degree misdemeanor in Florida. A DUI second-degree misdemeanor carries consequences of up to 6 months in jail and fines between $500 and $1,000.
- If you refused a breath test, your BAC was below 0.15 and there was no crash - you’re looking at up to 6 months in jail.
- If your BAC was above 0.15 or you had a minor in the vehicle, you’re looking at up to 9 months in jail.
- If there was a crash, you’re looking at up to 12 months in jail.
For the 1 person arrested on charges of disorderly intoxication and resisting arrest:
- Assuming it is a first-offense on each of the charges, that person is looking at:
- Disorderly intoxication
- Under Florida law, disorderly intoxication is classified as a second-degree misdemeanor, and carries penalties of up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
- Resisting arrest
- Resisting without violence is classified as a first-degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 1 year in jail or 1 year of probation, and a fine of $1,000.
- If Violence is involved, then the charge is a third-degree felony and has worse penalties.
For the 1 person arrested on charges of resisting arrest without violence:
- Assuming it is a first-offense on each of the charges, that person is looking at a first-degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 1 year in jail or 1 year of probation, and a fine of $1,000.
Boca Bash Concerns: Fatalities, Boating under the Influence of Alcohol
In 2018 is when safety concerns intensified for the Boca Bash. That year, a 32-year-old drowned while trying to swim out to dozens of boats anchored together in the middle of Lake Boca.
Then, in 2019, police started cracking down on the event. That year there were 14 total arrests, with 12 for boating under the influence. In 2020 the event was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Do You Have to be Driving a Car to get a DUI in South Florida?
As you can already see if you’ve read this blog - the answer is no. DUI charges are not constrained to cars - you can get a Driving Under the Influence charge in Florida for operating any type of motor vehicle. In fact, you can also get a DUI for drug impairment in Florida - it doesn’t have to be alcohol.
Wild Florida DUI charges NOT involving a car:
- Horseback DUI in Florida
- Lawn Mower DUI in Florida
- Wheelchair DUI in Florida
- Golf Cart DUI in Florida
In all of the above crazy cases, these people were using horses, golf carts, lawn mowers, and wheelchairs to transport themselves on public roads, which fits within the statute’s definition. All of them also happen to be very intoxicated while doing so, which opened them up to a DUI.
You can also get DUIs on things like segways, jet skis, and boats. Learn more about Florida DUIs in odd vehicles here.
What’s a DUI crime in South Florida?
A DUI crime is committed when an individual is unlawfully under the influence of alcohol or drugs while driving a vehicle or is heavily impaired by alcohol or drugs while in physical control of a motor vehicle. In Florida, and across the country, a driver is considered impaired when his or her blood alcohol content (BAC) level is .08 percent or higher. It's even possible to be charged with a DUI even at a lower BAC if a person is significantly impaired. Law enforcement determines a person’s level of impairment.
10 Days to Save Your Florida Driver’s License After a DUI in South Florida
After you’re charged with a DUI in Boca Raton - as with these Boca Bash Arrests -or in South Florida, you only have 10 days to save your Florida driver’s license.
Florida law is unique in how it addresses Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and driving privileges. If you’ve been arrested for a DUI in Florida, you only have 10 days to save your driver's license.
Your driver’s license is immediately suspended upon your arrest for DUI. For the next 10 days, you may drive only to work or for business purposes using your ticket as a permit. At the end of those 10 days, your license will either be: fully suspended, suspended with work privileges, or reinstated—depending, in part, upon your actions.
Learn more about Florida’s 10-day rule for DUI arrests at our blog, here.
Arrested at Boca Bash? South Florida DUI & Criminal Defense Attorneys can help
With offices in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, and Sunrise, Rossen Law Firm is ready to defend you and fight for your rights if you were arrested at Boca Bash.
One mistake shouldn’t dictate the rest of your life or steal your freedoms.
Give us a call to schedule an appointment for a FREE consultation: (561) 880-8181
RELATED: 7 Rules you Need to know to Survive a Florida DUI - (FREE instant-download booklet)
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