Fort Lauderdale, Sunrise, Boca Raton (and all of South Florida) defense attorney Adam Rossen and his award-winning legal team have more than 500 5-star reviews from former clients.
Getting great results for our clients is always our number one priority, which is why we're so thrilled when their reviews detail their experiences with our firm as life changing. Many clients attest to the knowledge, skill, accessibility and advocacy of our South Florida law firm.
Learn more about our client experience in these videos. Our clients cases and stories cover a wide variety of topics relevant to criminal law in Florida.
What are the Red Flags that I’m Under Investigation for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Fraud?
The Police Are Following Me, Can They Stop Me?
What if I’m not drunk?
DUI: What if I’m under 21?
DUI: Does a cop have to read me my Miranda Rights?
Should I try talking my way out of a DUI?
DUI: Is it legal to drink and then drive in Florida?
DUI: Why should you never lie to the cops?
DUI: Do the cops have to read me my Miranda Rights?
DUI: Are most DUI investigations done on camera?
DUI: Police tell me to get out of the car. What do I do?
DUI: Can you refuse the field sobriety exercises?
DUI: I’m not drunk should I do the field sobriety exercises?
DUI: When can the cops give a breath test?
DUI: Why is it so easy to be arrested for DUI?
What is a civil restraining order?
What is a no contact order?
DUI: What is the 10 day rule?
DUI: If I blow under .08 will I be un-arrested?
DUI: Can I be arrested for DUI if I’m sleeping in my car?
Difference between restraining order and no contact order?
What are the penalties for violating a no contact order?
DUI: It’s my first DUI, will I go to jail?
DUI: Do I have to do the field sobriety exercises?
DUI: Do I have to give a breath test?
Can a criminal no contact order be modified?
What is a civil restraining order?
DUI: Do I have to put a breathalyzer in my car?
I got a call from a police officer what do I do?
Can I represent myself?
What happens if the police don’t read me my Miranda Rights?
How do I choose the right criminal attorney?
What are the domestic violence diversion programs?
My loved one was arrested, what do I do?
What is Batter’s Intervention Program?
I’ve been arrested, what do I do?
Can the cops stop me from recording them?
Can I secretly record my encounter with the cops?
Is there a penalty for not consenting to a search?
What If I don’t have drugs on me and consent to a search?
When can an officer search my car without my consent?
When can an officer search my car without my consent?
What rights can I lose if convicted of a felony in Florida?
What are the consequences of a drug crime on your record?
What happens if I’m convicted of a drug crime in Florida?
How much weed must I possess for a felony charge?
How much money does a Florida DUI cost?
How much alcohol can I drink and still be under .08?
Will my arrest or conviction come up in a background check?