False Charges for Attempted Murder in Fort Lauderdale, FL Get Dismissed by South Florida Criminal Defense Attorneys

December 5, 2022 | By Rossen Law Firm
False Charges for Attempted Murder in Fort Lauderdale, FL Get Dismissed by South Florida Criminal Defense Attorneys

False Charges for Attempted Murder Gets Dismissed in Fort Lauderdale by South Florida Criminal Defense Attorneys

Outcome of Attempted Murder Case:

Albert's charges for attempted murder in Fort Lauderdale were dismissed after the Criminal Defense Attorneys at Rossen Law Firm proved his innocence. The prosecutor realized that Al did act in self-defense and he dropped the case immediately!

Client Concerns about Attempted Murder Charge:

Al never broke the law, he has a clean record. Al worked as a mechanic who contracted with Broward Sheriff’s Department and was immediately placed on unpaid leave. If he was arrested for Attempted Murder he would be looking at up to life in prison with no bond. A kind gesture by helping out his friend to go to a safe place lead to him being in a dangerous situation that could possibly ruin his life and career.

Facts on Attempted Murder Case:

Albert W. received a phone call from a friend who sounded very distraught and in need of someone to pick her up. Wanting to help, he drove over to her house to pick her up and found out she had a fight with her boyfriend.  In the past, Albert has met her boyfriend and it always was tense.

Since Albert did not want to have an altercation with her boyfriend, he decided to park in the neighborhood Walgreens by the house and waited for her to get her things. As he was waiting in the parking lot, he put his car window down to relax for a few minutes. Unbeknownst to him,  the boyfriend drove over the Walgreens parking lot. Without any provocation, the boyfriend attacked Albert, punching him through his open car window multiple times.

Instantly, Albert took out his concealed gun and started shooting at his attacker in self-defense. He then called 911 to help. As the ambulance and police officers came to the scene, Albert fully complied and told them what happened.

While waiting for more questions from the crime scene investigators, Albert’s dental filling came out of his teeth and he spat it out. Knowing this would be important to the police investigation, he approached the main investigator on scene, but he was rejected and told it was not necessary. Confused, Albert went back to where he was waiting.

Albert was not arrested that night but was shocked that he was under investigation for Attempted Murder.  One of the first calls he made was to the Rossen Law Firm to have Adam Rossen represent him.

Strategy of Attack on Attempted Murder Case:

Since Adam was hired the following day, he sprung into action speaking with the investigating police officers. They tried to freeze him out of the investigation, but he persisted in making sure they understood the truth.  After a few months of going back and forth with the officers, the case was referred to the State Attorney’s Office for review and filing.

The shooting between Albert and his friend’s boyfriend was 100% pure self defense, but it was our job at the Rossen Law Firm to prove that, because Albert was the only one who shot a gun that night.

Unfortunately, the prosecutor was determined to file Attempted Murder charges against Al until Adam brought up the important point that Al’s dental filling came out of one of his back teeth which would prove the argument of self defense. The prosecutor didn’t believe this happened, because there was no mention of it in any police report. Adam asked the prosecutor to speak with the lead detective to see if Al spit out the dental filling and they failed to secure this vital piece of evidence.

A week later we found out the  investigator admitted that she didn’t take the dental fillings into evidence as she was required to do. This convinced the prosecutor that Al did act in self-defense and he dropped all charges immediately!

Facing Attempted Murder Charges in South Florida? We Offer Free Consultations.

Call our office to schedule an appointment for a free consultation:

  • Fort Lauderdale: (754) 206-6200
  • Sunrise: (754) 999-2499
  • Boca Raton: (561) 880-8181